Improve Shooting Performance

Helping basketball players improve their Shooting Performance
Technique, and Overall Percentage with QuickerShot.
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QuickerShot Player Videos

These are just a few individuals that have benefited from the use of the Quicker Shot.

About Quicker Shot

The QuickerShot was created to correct a common shooting issue, “The Chicken Wing”. Our device fixes this issue by forcing the player to correct their arm motion and training the muscle memory of the player to limit their elbow movement near the torso. With regular use, the QuickerShot will help to enhance muscle memory for that pure release every time. In turn because of the seamless motion created by the use of the QuickerShot, players see a decrease in the overall release time thus leading to a smoother and quicker shooting form.

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The Benefits of QuickerShot

QUICKERSHOT. Correct your shooting form and Remove Chicken Wing today!

Increase in Shooting Percentage

Quicker Shot will help to improve your muscle memory and making you a more consistent jump shot shooter.

Personalized Training Programs

With your purchase you will receive a Shooting Program to use alongside your device.

Advanced Use of

The Tech is made to shorten the shooting stroke; create less movement for a cleaner shooting form.

With a track record of success, the QuickerShot has consistently improved shooting performance among players and increased their overall shooting percentages.

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Purchase QuickerShot

With Your purchase of the QuickerShot, you will receive the device and a training program to follow for you to become the best shooter possible. Purchase Now and start shooting like the pro’s!

QuickerShot Device & Shooting Program
